Green Energy, Beautiful Earth: How Renewables Redefine Our Future


Atma Biswas, a passionate champion of renewable energy, has played a pivotal role in supporting IDCOL’s mission to deliver sustainable power to off-grid rural communities across Bangladesh. Inspired by the remarkable achievements of IDCOL’s Solar Home System (SHS) program, ATMABISWAS took this vision a step further by introducing two groundbreaking initiatives:

We are currently working on the ATMABISWAS Bondhu Chula and ATMABISWAS Shouro Shokti projects, focusing on sustainable energy solutions. Our mission is to provide eco-friendly alternatives that benefit both communities and the environment


This solar energy solution aims to provide reliable, renewable electricity to even the most remote communities. By harnessing the power of the sun, Solar Shakti brings light and energy to homes, businesses, and public spaces, empowering rural populations who have long relied on costly, polluting alternatives like kerosene.



Solar Shokti is the energy produced by the sun’s light and heat, which depends on the strong influence of the sun on the earth. The sun provides replacement solar light and heat on Earth, and the use of this energy is important and necessary in many aspects of human life

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Bondhuchula is a traditional earthen stove, and Solarenergy harnesses sunlight for clean power, both supported by ATMABISWAS NGO to promote sustainable practices.

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